Comparing Actual Footage to HBOs Chernobyl is Utterly Fascinating June 24, 2019 HBO’s critically acclaimed miniseries, Chernobyl, has been lauded for its historical accuracy. Created and written by Craig Mazin...
Some of the Largest Known Stars Compared to a Tennis Ball-Sized Earth October 29, 2018 If The Earth were shrunk down to the size of a tennis ball, how big would the universe be? Wren of the Corridor Crew is here to show you....
Guy Exposes Bear Grylls in Hilarious Fashion July 5, 2018 In a controversial episode from the first season of Man vs. Wild, Bear Grylls journeys to Mount Kilauea in Hawaii where everything is not...
Red Bull F1 vs Supercar V8 vs Mercedes SL63 May 20, 2017 In an interesting speed test, Red Bull pitted their F1 against their Supercar V8 and threw in a Mercesdes SL53 for good measure. The starts...
This Video Perfectly Sums Up Arguing on the Internet March 9, 2017 Using a viral dog video (an Internet phenomenon in its own right) to explain another Internet phenomenon (arguing) is peak Internet. Make...
Tesla Drag Races Holden V8 Supercar and Walkinshaw GTS October 8, 2015 The Tesla Model S takes on the Holden V8 Supercar and Walkinshaw HSV GTS in a series of awesome drag races that demonstrate the impressive...
Old School Cool: Guy with Giant Scythe Takes on a Brush Cutter April 18, 2015 Apparently the Grim Reaper knows how efficient a scythe can be! This is the annual race between brush cutter and scythe—honours go to...