Rebel Wilson To Star In “Les Norton” Series January 1, 2019 Rebel Wilson is returning to her native Australia to star in a new TV series based on Robert G. Barrett’s “Les Norton” books. Wilson...
Katy Perry Performs A Private Concert For A Sick Fan August 3, 2018 Katy Perry really out did herself this time. It turns out that Katy Perry was scheduled to...
The Reality Show All The Celebs Are OBSESSED With… July 23, 2018 Falling in love with the right person takes time and getting to know new people in a...
Dolphin Body Slams Boarder for Captive SeaWorld Brethren May 1, 2018 Last week a stand-up paddleboarder was slammed off his board by a dolphin off the coast of Gracetown, Western Australia. Andrew Hill told...
The Extraordinary Land-Walking Octopus of Northern Australia July 24, 2017 Octopuses are marine animals that live and breath underwater, so at low tide one would expect them to be imprisoned in rocky pools....
These people are way too happy to be this close to a great white shark June 14, 2017 For people so relatively close to danger, this boatload of people seems pretty giddy. Why, it's only what appears to be a great white shark —...
Poor kangaroo rescued after getting stuck in a canal June 2, 2017 From time to time, kangaroos wander out into the water in Australia — sometimes just to cool off. It's not so leisurely for this young male...