Giant Cargo Ship Politely Responds to Little Girl’s Honk Request October 18, 2016 Ask and ye shall receive ...
Guy Agrees to Be a Stranger’s Job Reference and Becomes an Australian Legend September 7, 2016 Hamish & Andy call a random number to see if they’ll be a strangers’ job reference and accidentally find the best bloke in...
Dolphin Steals Woman’s iPad; Is Sick of Your Selfies August 9, 2016 A dolphin at Seaworld Orlando was filmed stealing an iPad right out a woman’s hand. “That’s what you get for keeping me...
Guy Surprises Parents After Studying 3 Years Abroad and Losing 45 lbs August 5, 2016 Three years ago, Hadi Wibawa left his hometown of Medan, Indonesia to attend university in London, England. After graduating and losing 45...