Fat girls dance. This beautiful Dove video shows why that's so radical May 20, 2017 Fat girls dance. That three word statement may seem simple and declarative. Yet, the assertion that fat girls do dance challenges a ton of...
Starring in this PSA helped a 12-year-old girl tell her school she's autistic April 5, 2017 A jarring new PSA called "Make It Stop" replicates how Holly, a 12-year-old autistic girl living in the UK, experiences sensory overload. But...
#QuitThisShit helps sexual assault survivors stand up to their trash-talkers April 4, 2017 Editor's note: This post contains language and details of sexual violence. When Jada Smith was 16 years old, she was drugged and raped at a...
Strangers' messages of support for a young HIV+ man will give you hope March 13, 2017 When George Hankers stood blindfolded in Trafalgar Square, brandishing a sign that red "I'M HIV+" in big letters, he wasn't sure how members of...
These hijabi self-defense videos aren't the tutorials we want, but they're the ones we need March 11, 2017 At anti-Trump rallies around the country, a popular chant often reverberates among the crowd: “When Muslim lives are under attack, what do we do?...
This heartwarming video urges you to care for the lonely and 'forgotten' March 3, 2017 Alzheimer's is one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. Globally, nearly 47 million people are affected by the degenerative disease and...
These badass women exercising to Maya Angelou's poetry is all the inspiration you need today February 24, 2017 If you've been searching in vain for motivation to exercise, stop right now. This video has everything you need: a scorching soundtrack, the...
Long-term care nurse sang sweet songs to dying patient January 26, 2017 Get your tissues ready. In this touching video posted on Youtube by user Jeremiah Nichol, his grandmother Helen's long term caregiver, Nurse...
This mannequin challenge is probably the most important one yet November 23, 2016 LONDON — The mannequin challenge has been dominating our social feeds for what feels like an eternity. While some people are using the...
Usain Bolt flipbook perfectly captures the world's fastest man August 19, 2016 The Flippist's flipbooks are usually very detailed. However, his flipbook of Usain Bolt is lacking a lot of details – in the best way. Just...