“Avengers” Directors To Take On Hercules Live-Action Remake May 4, 2020 (Photo: Albert L. Ortega/Getty Images) Live-action "Hercules" just confirmed producers and writers It has officially been confirmed that a...
Tom Hiddleston Could Play Hades In New ’Hercules’ Live-Action September 3, 2019 (Photo by Rich Polk/Getty Images for Disney) The God Of War may change his title to God of the Underworld At first, fans thought Benedict...
Benedict Cumberbatch To Possibly Star In Disney’s Live-Action ‘Hercules’ September 2, 2019 (Photo Credit: Austin Hargrave) Cumberbatch considers live-action "Hercules" role If there is any role Benedict Cumberbatch should play in...
Disney To Make Live-Action ‘Hercules’ July 10, 2019 (Photo Source: los40.com.mx) Disney plans for their next live-action venture If Disney is in the business of turning all its animated films...