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Migrant Facilities Are So Overcrowded

There are increasing amounts of reports that the migrant detention facilities are getting progressively dangerous overcrowded facilities. One of...
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Pranks Gone Wrong: You’re Fired!

Picture if you will, Mister Penny Jones. An ordinary, hard-working gentleman, Mister Jones enjoyed his job, but secretly longed for a life...
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Viral Videos Of 2019

Now Trending I'm trying to remember what the weirdest viral video I ever saw was. It's difficult because whatever the weirdest one is has...
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Travel News: Last Minute Escapes

Contrary to popular belief, a vacation isn't always something that's planned. Rare as it may be, there are times in life...
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Celebrity Friendships

It's a hard job, but it has its perks. I think there's two things that officially qualify you as a "super famous person." The first thing...
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Parrots Team Up To Raid Food Pellets

With the exception of perhaps cats, pets don't typically like waiting for meals. If there's food in front of them, it needs to be in their...
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Lion Gets Friendly With Tourists

I bet you think that title is sarcastic, don't you? A bunch of tourists encounter a loose lion, there's no way it's gonna end in anything but...