Guy Fills Jar with Seawater, Seals it For a Year, and Documents the Results September 18, 2019 YouTube channel Life in Jars made this large natural native saltwater ecosphere in a jar and fastidiously documented the results. The...
Testing if Sharks Can Actually Smell a Drop of Blood July 29, 2019 Scientific proof Pixar sits on a throne of lies! Another fascinating experiment from former NASA engineer and YouTube science geek, Mark...
Lighting Up a 20,000 Watt Incandescent Light Bulb January 7, 2019 YouTube channel Photonicinduction got a hold of a 20kW Halogen lamp used for large scale films sets and fired it up for you to enjoy :)...
What Happens When You Draw a Hopscotch Court on a Busy Sidewalk? December 4, 2018 If you saw a hopscotch court on the sidewalk would you play? The Cut secretly recorded people for 10 hours to see how many would....
Two Vortex Rings Colliding in Slow Motion – Smarter Every Day June 25, 2018 In Episode 195 of Smarter Every Day, Destin recreates a famous experiment of two vortex rings colliding. The project proved much more...
Spinning a Record Until it Shatters at 12,500 fps June 4, 2018 The Slow Mo Guys spin a vinyl record so fast it turns into about 50,000 pieces. All filmed with a high-speed camera so you can see what...
Google’s DeepMind AI was Told to Teach Itself How to Walk and This is What it Came Up With July 14, 2017 Google’s artificial intelligence company, DeepMind, has developed an AI that has managed to learn how to walk, run, jump, and climb...
Red Bull F1 vs Supercar V8 vs Mercedes SL63 May 20, 2017 In an interesting speed test, Red Bull pitted their F1 against their Supercar V8 and threw in a Mercesdes SL53 for good measure. The starts...
You can tell the difference between hot and cold water just by listening to it March 7, 2017 This is one of those weird things that sounds impossible, but the moment you listen to the sound it'll make perfect sense. For his guest video...
This Is What Happens When You Microwave a Bar of Soap February 20, 2017 Steve Mould put a camera inside a microwave and then heated up a bar of Ivory soap. Watch the bubbles of air inside the bar expand to...