This High-Speed Laser Engraving Machine is Amazing September 9, 2017 Check out this high-speed laser engraving machine by Z-Tech Lasers in action. ...
The only thing this 'Lizard vs Kitten' video needed was lasers August 7, 2015 In the original version of this video, the kitten was so utterly spooked by the presence of a lizard, that he proceeded to flip out and hop all...
Machine Etches Digital Artworks Into Actual Canvases Using Lasers June 17, 2015 “After Sunset” was created by artist Andy Gikling in Adobe Illustrator and exported into a laser control system called LasX. On...
This Guy Made a Dual Laser Iron Man Glove with Sounds and Ejecting Shell May 6, 2015 He even equipped the glove with lasers powerful enough to burn through things. You can see his official site for more info and other...