Sandy Hook Promise Releases Back To School PSA September 20, 2019 (Photo Source: Now, this is not the kind of ad you thought you’d ever see on television Gun safety group Sandy Hook Promise...
Starring in this PSA helped a 12-year-old girl tell her school she's autistic April 5, 2017 A jarring new PSA called "Make It Stop" replicates how Holly, a 12-year-old autistic girl living in the UK, experiences sensory overload. But...
Joe Biden can't wait to show Obama his "I Voted" Sticker November 2, 2016 To Joe Biden, the best way to get anything done is by having a plan – and that includes making a BLT, mopping a floor and voting. In a silly PSA...
30-second hunger PSA puts clever twist on viral recipe videos September 7, 2016 To make a recipe, you need ingredients. But what happens when the refrigerator is empty and the cabinets are vacant? For 48.1 million Americans,...
John Oliver and 'Sesame Street' teach us that lead poisoning is still a huge problem April 18, 2016 The disastrous events in Flint, Michigan have brought different social and economic issues to light, one of which is the regulation of lead in...
Zoe Saldana, Josh Hutcherson and other celebrities team up to talk sexual consent September 1, 2015 "There's one thing you can never have sex without ... " A White House-sponsored campaign called "It's On Us" created a celeb-heavy PSA focusing...
Touching ad shows what it really means to lose a life on Australian roads August 28, 2015 An ad campaign in Victoria, Australia is attempting to reduce the death toll on the road by pulling heart strings. The state's Transport Accident...