“Death Metal Grandma” follows the story of 96 year old Holocaust survivor, former WW2 spy and famous songwriter Inge Ginsberg as she decides to pursue a new career: Death Metal.
Featuring: Inge Ginsberg, Pedro daSilva and Lucia Caruso
Directed and Edited by : Leah Galant
Produced by: Clifford Miu, Elizabeth Pauker, Sean Weiner, Christine Wexler and Linhan Zhang
Director of Photography: Kervin Marsielle
Editors: Leah Galant and Stephanie Khoury
Executive Producer: Kathleen Lingo
Supervising Producer: Linsday Crouse
Supervising Editor: Andrew Blackwell
Funded through the generous support of Helen Gurley Brown’s Glassbreaker Films.
Made at Jacob Burns Film Center with the Creative Culture Program.
With support from Bering Pictures
SXSW 2018
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